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ways to keep in touch with restaurant customers despite the lack of dine-in service

It’s unfortunate for restaurants not to open at this time due to the coronavirus pandemic. Restaurants are potential spreaders of the virus since people have to open their mouth while eating and talk to each other. Wearing masks and maintaining social distance is quite difficult when eating in a restaurant. Since most restaurants rely on dine-in services, it's quite difficult to pursue this service. Hopefully, the pandemic will soon be over so that restaurant owners can fully operate again. While waiting, the business should continue keeping in touch with potential customers and previous customers. They need to know that the business is still operating, and services will soon continue. These are the ways to keep in touch with customers while the restaurant isn’t in full operation. 

Send them emails 

Constant communication through emails and other platforms is essential. The customers need to know what’s going on, and they should also have something to look forward to. Also, these emails will remind them about their favourite restaurant. They might not dine out at this time due to the restrictions, but it’s possible to go there again in the future. They will also appreciate the effort to keep in touch with them, if only through emails. Besides, email marketing has always been a successful online marketing campaign to reach potential and existing customers.

Post updates on social media

Since some people no longer use email, a good way to keep in touch with them is by posting on social media. Most people have a social media account, and it helps if the business has a page on different platforms. It's easier to post updates about what's happening in the business and its plans. It also helps to remind them that the company didn't decide to close even during the pandemic. The lack of dine-in services doesn't mean it's over. Continued engagement through social media is extremely helpful.

Respond to enquiries 

Some people might still feel interested to know more about the business and decide to eat later. If there are enquiries sent via email or direct messages, there should be an immediate response. Comments on social media pages should also have a response. Try to be professional in responding to questions to avoid issues. These responses should have a professional tone since they represent the business. It doesn't matter if some of them are rude or might be hurtful to the company.

Create online games and gimmicks 

It also helps to come up with some activities and gimmicks to make people feel excited. It's also a way to keep in touch with people who might decide to dine out soon. They will feel that the business is still active and trying to reach out to other people.

Apart from reaching out to customers, it will also help to consider new wholesale food suppliers. Since the company has more time to evaluate the best options for food suppliers to improve the restaurant, it’s crucial to do it now. With these strategies, the business will continue to be relevant, and people will eventually come back and dine once restrictions are no longer in place.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the businesses in question before making your plans.

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